I promise to add a picture of Jude in his pumpkin costume soon, but we just got back from the weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's in Ohio, and have been busy every night since. But, I did get this picture emailed from a friend of Ryan and his family growing up. She had a boy a few months after we had Jude, and couldn't wait for them to play together now that they are a little older. Well, you can see from the picture how that turned out. Logan just reached over and grabbed Jude's Halloween shirt and he just started wailing..... He had a long day the day before- daycare during the day, traveling all night, sleeping in a new place, etc. He is still getting used to the daylight savings time change now too.... Used to wake up everyday at 6:00, but now it is 5:00. (no matter what time he goes to bed.... little stinker) . But he is pulling himself all the time now, and the doctor said that he lost the reflexes in his foot and that he will start walking any time now! Wow- we thought we were busy before, but I think it has just started.
Oh, yeah- one more thing- GO OBAMA!!!!!! This country (and world) needed a change, and that is what we got. We are so excited at the Hall household..... This is going to be amazing! (Jude even wore his Obama sticker at daycare all day yesterday to cheer him on.... and both Malia and Garrett called to say "Go Obama" - even the two year olds knew who the best candidate was)