So Jude not only will go and get his shoes when Daddy tells him to get his shoes in the morning, but he also will put his shoes away if Mommy takes them off of him and leaves them in the middle of the floor! He picked up his shoes the other day, and walked them over to the mat by the door and set them down very neatly.
We have also been trying to work on washing his hands (especially when we get home from daycare). I talk him through every step and ask him to keep showing his hands, etc. Last night, I was going to wash his hands after dinner and asked Jude if he wanted to wash his hands. He then started rubbing his hands together!!! We were so excited! It is really amazing to see what he is catching on to.
I posted a few new pictures- trying out Gymboree classes, sleeping with Mickey, posing with Mom and Dad, trying out mom's slipper/socks, and just being a goofy, silly kid all around!