This weekend couldn't have started out any better.... Finally got together with my roommate from college (it had been way too long since I saw her last) and found out her and her husband are expecting! Yeah! We couldn't be happier for them, and are a excited (a little selfish) that Jude will have a friend to play with!!!! It shows that it has been a long time since I saw her last because she is already 5 months along. Just like Jude - they may have a Christmas baby (Jude decided he was to excited for Christmas and came early close to Thanksgiving, though). The weather finally decided to act like it really was summer, and we all had a great time just hanging out, taking Jude to the park, etc.
Then on Sunday we woke up early and went to the beach. As I just said, the weather finally was feeling like summer, so I was excited to finally be able to dip into the water and swim a little. Boy, was I wrong. It wasn't just that it was cold (as it always is), it was FREEZING! My feet didn't just go numb, they actually hurt. Well, since it was so hot out, and the water was so cold, we figured we couldn't stay if we wouldn't be able to cool off. After driving around and finding out all the free Chicago public pools didn't open for a while (yes, we get up early with Jude), we went home and Jude took a nap. After the nap and lunch, all refreshed and ready to have fun again, we went to a local pool in the suburbs. It was a little pricey, and within the first five minutes we saw a little girl being taken away screaming on a stretcher and two drowning incidents (everyone was okay). But... after all that we had a great time. They have a nice big pool that slowly gets deeper so even Jude could stand up and walk in. There were some big slides, and water fountain area for little kids, and a separate pool/play ground/area for kids. The playground area was really cool. There were little slides, things to climb on and around, things squirting out water, and a giant bucket that fills with water and when it gets full it dumps down on everyone. Ryan looked like he was 5 years old again. He definitely liked it more than Jude who was scared of all the people and water squirting everywhere until the last 10 minutes that we were there.
Cute Jude moment recently: I was folding laundry and Jude would take the clothes out of the basket and hand them to me. If I was already busy folding something he would shake out the clothes like I was doing and then put them on the piles. Then once I finished and was carrying the clothes into the rooms/closets, he picked up his clothes, brought them into his room, and then opened his dresser and started putting his clothes away! Melted my heart!
He also gives great hugs and kisses. He loves giving Stitch a hug, and even said "Hi Stitchy" when we got home the other day.