Well, time has once again flown by. Jude is just more amazing every day. He can understand us and talk back to us (which isn't always a good thing). No mommy is now the newest and best thing to say. Although, all of the times I have heard that were wiped away when he grabbed my cheeks last night and said that I had an owee on my eye and leaned over and kissed my eye.... seriously - so cute! He's favorite new show is Punky - not joking about that one. Which I LOVE but Ryan isn't so happy about (but I hear him humming the theme song when he doesn't think anyone is listening, and see him laughing at the jokes under his breath). The weather has been nice this week so we have been going to the park, with Stich of course, every day after work. Other than just enjoying all of the little moments, we have had a great end of the winter - my brother and sister-in-law came to visit in January (during the big Viking game - not the one where they blew it - the one before that), we went to Ohio for a late Christmas (Jude loves his Hooters...), and then traveled to Minnesota for my birthday (Jude and Malia made stuffed matching Pandas and got matching strollers - thanks, Shelley!). Here are a few pictures that I had on my computer - I will try to add more later! Happy almost spring to everyone (although it is going to snow tomorrow - stupid midwest!)