As most of you know, Ryan and I had a baby boy named Jude (or as we say- Jude the Dude) on November 21, 2007. He wasn't due until December 5th but came a little early when we went in for a procedure to try to get him flipped in my stomach because he was breach. Thankfully we were at the hospital in the labor and delivery unit when his heart rate slowed down and we had an emergency c-section (it was just like Grey's Anatomy). All went smoothly and he came out perfect.
We had a great Christmas- I cracked and made Ryan drive all the way to Minnesota so I could be with the rest of my family for the holidays. Jude was a trooper and did really well. Ryan and I joke that we didn't see him over the holdiays because the grandparents and aunts and uncles were holding him the whole time.
Then we got snow, snow and more snow this winter. Jude and I were trapped for a while in the house, but we enjoyed watching The Today Show, Ellen, Oprah, and anything on HGTV or TLC (and yes- I did have to tune into a made for tv movie or two- but only the Christmas ones).
I started a new job on Monday and Jude started daycare. So far, so good on both of those. I finally got out of K&M- they were not nice people. And Jude finally gets to meet other people besides his crazy mom and dad who just stare at him all day (and make him do tummy time).
I am proud to say that we have more good news.... Shelley will be bringing Malia home on April 11th! Ryan and I are so excited (or as Shelley would say- we are shaking we are so excited). I can't wait to meet her. I am in love with her already after just seeing her picture.
We are also waiting for news (any day now) for baby Anderson. Jeff and Amy are hoping sooner than later, but we all know that babies decide to come when they want. In the meantime, we hope that Amy does okay with those good ol' contractions and hugs Garrett for us.
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