So Ryan and I both shot a commercial for Luna Carpet yesterday. For a while we thought we might get Jude in on the action too, but just the two of us. That is fine, though - we want to make sure Jude has a "normal" childhood. :) It will air in October, for Luna's 50th anniversary. I think it will be really funny. Maybe a little cheesy, but funny. I will try to get a copy of it for everyone to see. Maybe if I even get advanced enough I can try to get it on the blog. (probably not since I am not very tech savy). And we apologize now to those that live in the Chicago area- I guess they are going to be playing it a lot..... But can you ever get sick of seeing us?
Oh, yeah.... and Jude is 9 months today! Can you believe it? 9 months ago at this time he was just about to be born. So weird and awesome at the same time, how much your life can change.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
First tooth!

Mr. Jude the Dude got his first tooth. The other night Ryan and I saw a little fleck of white when we were feeding him and upon closer look we saw that it was his first tooth trying to poke through! It is almost all the way through now but still just flush with his gums. I tried taking a picture but it is probably a little too hard to see since the picture is so small. I swear, he is just doing something new every day now. Still not quite sure about the crawling, though. But... last night I was sitting on the couch and he was right below me on the floor playing with his toys. He scooted over to me and then reached his arms up and tried to pull himself up! I couldn't believe it.
Also- just found out my goddaughter, Aislinn, weighs the same amount as Jude. She is definitely going to be a model :). And my other goddaughter, Malia, said her first unsolicited (as my sister calls it) "I love you" to her mom. Guess everyone is growing up! (even Ryan- don't forget that his 30th birthday is in a few weeks - he, he, he)
Friday, August 15, 2008
So close

Jude is REALLY close to crawling. He will be sitting and start to reach for a toy that is far away and will just about get onto his hands and knees. Or if we prop him up on his hands and knees he will sit there for a minute and rock back and forth but then just kind of gives up. He knows he can get around fine without crawling (it is amazing how much you can scoot), then why put in that extra effort? We are all still trying to get over our cold thing that we all got (well, really just me - Ryan and Jude are pretty much better- I still had a temp of 101 last night) (stupid doctor wouldn't give me any medicine).
We are getting excited for our trip to California for Labor Day weekend. We are going to visit our friends that we went to college with. It will be really nice to see them. We of course are going to Disney, Rodeo Drive, eat at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, go to the beach..... I can't wait!
We also have a busy couple of weeks coming up. Next weekend we are going to the Sox game with Ryan's work. (then off to CA). Then Ryan is going to a Notre Dame game with his parents (can't wait until they start calling me and playing me the fight song - please note the sarcasam :) ) And then it is Ryan's birthday and we are going to eat at the new Trump Restaurant (and Trump will therefore eat our paycheck). Then it is our 5 year anniversary, and then we are going to Minnesota for a friend of the families baby shower (congrats again Betsy- we are so excited for you- I still remember driving you to school). Then before we know it, it will be the holidays! Exciting, but kind of sad that it means summer is almost over - it feels like it just started. But I am enjoying the weather as much as I can while it lasts. I still remember after having Jude last winter being inside for 3 days straight, because it was too cold and snowy to make it worth brushing off the car and bundling Jude up.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Like Father, like son (or... like cousin, like cousin)
So, Jude is on his second ear infection. Poor little guy. Those little ears just can't handle it! He is such a trooper, though. He is a little fussier than normal, but I know that his "fussy" still isn't that bad. He still loves standing, and was holding himself up hanging on to the couch for a couple seconds at a time. I know he loves to stand on those tip toes (which I love), but I think he would balance a little better if he would stay flat.... We tried out a new toy that shoots balls up in the air, catches them, they swirl around and then back out again. I thought it was the coolest toy, and so did Stitch (who would chase after the balls that went flying), but Jude wasn't so sure. I don't know if it was the loud music or what, but he definitely wasn't loving it. He is growing up so quickly. Don't you love his hair in the picture standing up? We were putting sun tan lotion on him, and had to do his head because there are a few bald/thin spots. He was great at the beach the other weekend. He liked the weather, and even took a nap on the blanket (under the 100% UV proof umbrella). I think he even started to snore just like his Grandpa does when he lays out. The next weekend when we went, I didn't get him in the water (it was a cooler morning with the breeze), which was a good thing, since the water was actually closed for high levels of bacteria...... AHHHHH!!!! Got to love Lake Michigan.
Not much new otherwise. Just working away (working for the weekend (imagine Chris Farley dancing to this song like on SNL)) and enjoying our free time.
Not much new otherwise. Just working away (working for the weekend (imagine Chris Farley dancing to this song like on SNL)) and enjoying our free time.
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