Jude is REALLY close to crawling. He will be sitting and start to reach for a toy that is far away and will just about get onto his hands and knees. Or if we prop him up on his hands and knees he will sit there for a minute and rock back and forth but then just kind of gives up. He knows he can get around fine without crawling (it is amazing how much you can scoot), then why put in that extra effort? We are all still trying to get over our cold thing that we all got (well, really just me - Ryan and Jude are pretty much better- I still had a temp of 101 last night) (stupid doctor wouldn't give me any medicine).
We are getting excited for our trip to California for Labor Day weekend. We are going to visit our friends that we went to college with. It will be really nice to see them. We of course are going to Disney, Rodeo Drive, eat at Gordon Ramsey's restaurant, go to the beach..... I can't wait!
We also have a busy couple of weeks coming up. Next weekend we are going to the Sox game with Ryan's work. (then off to CA). Then Ryan is going to a Notre Dame game with his parents (can't wait until they start calling me and playing me the fight song - please note the sarcasam :) ) And then it is Ryan's birthday and we are going to eat at the new Trump Restaurant (and Trump will therefore eat our paycheck). Then it is our 5 year anniversary, and then we are going to Minnesota for a friend of the families baby shower (congrats again Betsy- we are so excited for you- I still remember driving you to school). Then before we know it, it will be the holidays! Exciting, but kind of sad that it means summer is almost over - it feels like it just started. But I am enjoying the weather as much as I can while it lasts. I still remember after having Jude last winter being inside for 3 days straight, because it was too cold and snowy to make it worth brushing off the car and bundling Jude up.
Have a great weekend!
1 comment:
YEAH JUDE!!! Congrats on your first tooth! We are so excited for you..wish we were there to see it.
We are missing you so much. Love you lots.
Uncle Jeff and Auntie Amy
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