Well- only one month until Jude's first birthday! I can't believe it. Time is flying, although it seems like he has always been in our life. He is crawling and moving like crazy - our time of just playing on his little foam mat is over. Now it is on to better things, like finding the dog food, or discovering the little orange lights we hung around the window (Christmas is going to be fun!). Grandma and Grandpa from MN came in this last weekend. We had a great time shopping on Michigan Ave., popping into my work (and Ryan's) to show him off, going to the Lincoln Park Zoo, and shopping at Old Orchard (oldy but a goody). Then on Sunday after the took off for their car ride back, we met some friends at the good ol' Apple Holler. It was a lot of fun, but a little disappointing that they only had 2 rows of trees that had any apples left at the far end of the orchard. We just got some that had already been picked- but man, were they were delicious. Perfect crisp, sour but sweet apples. Apple Holla! We got a big pumpkin to carve and a little one for Jude to decorate. I think Jude wasn't quite sure why we put him on the dirt next to those pumpkins, but the photo op was too cute to pass up. I wanted to put him in his pumpkin costume next to the real pumpkins, but it got left in the car (which was good, since it was hard enough walking the 10 miles (it felt like) back to the car with Jude, a 16 lb pumpkin, 6 lbs of apples, a diaper bag, you get the idea...). But he will get a chance to wear it at Grandma and Grandpa Halls when we go there for Halloween weekend. Maybe we will make him trick or treat at the gas stations along the way!
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