Monday, May 18, 2009
Almost 1 1/2 years old!
I can't believe that on Thursday Jude will be 1 and 1/2 years old! Time is flying by, but I can't remember life without him. (well- I do remember being able to eat hot food while dining at a restaurant - vaguely...) We had a great time this last weekend. I went to yoga class with a friend Saturday morning, and then took Jude and Stitch to the park while Ryan was golfing. There was a tree at the park that had little while petals that had fallen down and it looked like snow. We spent a good 5 minutes just throwing them up in the air and watching them float away. Just magical to a one year old! Then the best part was using one of the many sticks that we picked up on our walk to dig around in the dirt. We found so many cool rocks! You can buy the boy as many toys as you want, but the way to his heart is a rock or twig. That night we went to a birthday party for someone we had gone to college with. They have a 2 year old and a baby due any day now, so they understood how to have a party and still have kids there. They had a whole table with toys and coloring books and juice, and a wagon full of toys - Jude just played around with the other kids and had a great time. Which meant... that I almost got to eat that hot food that I had been talking about earlier. Sunday we woke up at 5:45 (and by "we" I mean Jude, and it was my day to wake up), and took a walk again (with Stitch, of course) from 6:30-7:00. I am not an early morning person, but have to say it was very peaceful that early. Ryan woke up, we went to church and then of course, our favorite after church activity, took a nap! Then it was off to another friend from college's house. She has two boys and, again, it was great to see Jude just play and do his own thing. The boys were older so he wasn't always so sure, but as long as Ryan or I were in eye sight he was happy. Although I am pretty sure he was body slammed by the four year old. Up one minute, arms wrapped around, and down on his back the next. No one got hurt, and Ryan would have done it to him sooner or later anyway. All in all- a great weekend. And I am sure you can tell by the dirt, rocks, and wrestling, we definitely have a typical boy on our hands. ALTHOUGH - I did get video of him dancing to "Ellen" and then climbing on the couch with the remote in his hands to watch the rest of it (while still bobbing up and down).
Monday, May 4, 2009
Jude's school pictures

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather that we are finally getting. It just puts you in a better mood, doesn't it? "You're gonna make it after all." - Mary Tyler Moore.
Oh- one more funny Jude story. We were at "The Wall" (Walgreens for all of you non-Dane Cook fans) and saw a fuzzy catepillar looking thing that would move in your hand (thought it was like those Chinese paper fish) and I just had to have it. I mean, I thought Jude had to have it. Well, it ended up being basically a piece of fuzz attached to some clear thread. Lame! Although, it turned out to be one of the best toys we have. Jude was laughing so hard at it moving around on the floor at first, and then the smart guy figured out the string and started playing with it with Stitch (Stitch was not a fan of the toy). So for any of you bored parents, get a piece of fuzz and some string and it will get you at least 30 minutes....
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