Monday, May 4, 2009

Jude's school pictures

All I can say is that the kid cracks me up. It is amazing to see his personality keep evolving everyday. Which is why we thought that for his spring daycare pictures we had to put him in something a little more relaxing. He is Jude the Dude after all! We already thought we had enough pictues of him in button downs and polos, and when it comes down to it, he is a beach baby at heart (or maybe that is just mom and dad wanting him to be a beach baby). But, how fantastic is that fake background? And that little pose with the one hand on the trunk? Kills me! And those little bare feet? (I thought shoes would take away from the rest of the vibe... Maybe I took it a little too far?)
Hope everyone is enjoying the nice weather that we are finally getting. It just puts you in a better mood, doesn't it? "You're gonna make it after all." - Mary Tyler Moore.
Oh- one more funny Jude story. We were at "The Wall" (Walgreens for all of you non-Dane Cook fans) and saw a fuzzy catepillar looking thing that would move in your hand (thought it was like those Chinese paper fish) and I just had to have it. I mean, I thought Jude had to have it. Well, it ended up being basically a piece of fuzz attached to some clear thread. Lame! Although, it turned out to be one of the best toys we have. Jude was laughing so hard at it moving around on the floor at first, and then the smart guy figured out the string and started playing with it with Stitch (Stitch was not a fan of the toy). So for any of you bored parents, get a piece of fuzz and some string and it will get you at least 30 minutes....

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Jude - Go barefoot and hang loose as long as you can.... DUDE!!!