Wednesday, June 10, 2009

I am happy that he is happy, but...

The other day when I was putting my shoes on to walk to the train to get to work, Jude came up and gave me a hug, walked away into the living room, turned around and waved bye-bye (in that adorable way that he does - turning his wrist side to side like he is singing "Hi, My name is Joe, I work in a button factory"). I know that I should be happy that my son is doing so well going to daycare and me going to work, but just a little selfish part of me wants to see him not let me go after we hug. I feel like I don't want to let him go, but now that I think about it, I guess he gets to play at the park, paint, color, circle time, eat, eat and eat again, oh - and a 3 hour nap, and all I get to do is sit at a desk. So... I guess I can see where he is coming from. The other great/no-so-great thing is that he has been sleeping later in the morning. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE it on Saturday and Sunday, but during the week I have been only seeing him for 10 minutes before I leave. Again, happy that he is so well rested (Ryan can definitely see a difference), but I just want a little more time with him. Oh well- like I said in the title - I AM happy that he is happy.

We just had a great weekend with Mimmy and Papa (Grandma and Grandpa for those of you not from "the south"). They babysat so we got to attend a Coldplay concert, and we all got to lay out at the pool a few days. The weather was much nicer there than in Chicago. I really don't think we are going to get "summer" in Chicago this year. Then maybe the hurricanes in Florida won't look so bad anymore....

Next weekend we are headed to Minnesota to attend a family wedding, and visit the other Grandma and Grandpa. We are hoping for some more pool time, and maybe catching a movie (in between the wedding, Father's day, Mom's B-day, and Jeff's B-day - busy but fun weekend).

One of our other new favorite Jude momment is when he sees someone go by on the street riding on a bike - he wiggles from side to side really quickly. Hilarous!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I totally understand what you mean but then Malia has had trouble with me leaving this week and that is so much worse. I get to my desk and just feel bad even though I know she is already playing by then.

Hey the new blog header looks great. I am so glad it worked right. See you next weekend. Did you catch the video of Malia's dance recital on my Facebook page?