Thursday, January 29, 2009

The ray of sunshine...

So, it is not just me and Ryan and the family and friends that love Jude, it is also EVERY teacher at daycare. They said that he is always so happy, and just a little ray of sunshine in the room. It was really nice to hear. (nice that the teachers like him, and nice to know that he must like it if he is so happy). Jude is definitely a walking machine now. And so far, so good. He was already moving pretty quickly just crawling, so I think we were already pretty good at getting up to chase him around. He is loving his sippy cups (thanks Auntie Shelley for the Ellen one!), and eating away. I swear, the boy can eat more than I do for dinner sometimes. Other than that, we are all just sick of the cold and snow, but hoping that things will start warming up a little... 30s at least!?!? Here are some good pictures that we just took. Ryan submitted him for a cute baby contest with Regis & Kelly (thanks great auntie Kim), and we will let you know if he gets picked! :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Jude goes walking... after midnight....

Or Jude's boots are made for walking... or because Jude's mine, he walked the line.... (Okay, Ryan and I have to sing a song everytime Jude walks) But, as you can see... JUDE IS WALKING!!! The best is when he walks up to me (or Ryan) with his arms stretched open and gives us a hug and crawls in our lap. Just melts our hearts. I can't wait (sarcastic) until he really gets comfortable and is running and can grab anything and everything. We already are having a hard time with all of the baby proof stuff. I think I finally have the door under the sink down (that I don't rip off my finger tips when I go to open it, and it shuts back on me because of the lock). Daycare is going really well- they are always doing projects, working on sign language, and even doing baby yoga! Show us a downward facing dog Jude! He is loving his squeaky shoes from China, but we take out the squeakers as not to annoy the teachers (we just let him squeak at home). We are going to have to look for some tie shoes, because Jude the Dude has mastered kicking those things off. In addition to the walking, Jude could climb and climb. I looked into padded blocks online and those things are expensive!!! If anyone has an idea of what I can get him to climb on, let me know.
I got a couple pictures of him walking and will try to post those soon.

Oh yeah....... GO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!