I hope that everyone had as great of a Christmas as I did. We were able to go to my parent's house in Minnesota and see all of my family! It had been a while since I had seen my nieces and nephews -oh yeah- and Jeff, Amy and Shelley :). And of course, they were all excited to see Jude (and me and Ryan). The kids are all getting so big. Jude LOVES walking around with his Tonka Truck or moving along any piece of furniture he can get ahold of. He would probably walk on his own if he could muster up the courage. Jude is also starting to become much more vocal. Which is good and bad.... He was trying to say "Stitch" the other day which was cute, but he also knows how to scream REALLY LOUD! That little stinker! I have a feeling the word "NO" will become quite popular in our house. He has always loved monkeys- and now is definitely becoming a Curious George of his own. The other three little stinkers we got to see during Christmas are amazing as well- Aislinn (who is only 9 months) is already standing by herself, Garrett made my day when he loved the giant chocolate Pee Wee the Penguin I gave him as an extra present on Malia's birthday party day, and Malia (who turned 3 Christmas day) lit up the room with her smile. She had a Mickey and Minnie Birthday Party the day after Christmas and loved the singing, cakes, and presents. Although she asked for a football at the last minute, the big hit was the real camera and real cell phone (old ones that aren't being used/hooked up). She cracked us up when she put the timer on her camera (not really) and would run to the other side of the room to take a pictue with her mom and say "Cheese!" after she saw Grandpa doing that to take the big family picture. She just didn't understand why her camera wouldn't flash.
Oh- one last good Jude story- I answered the phone the other night and said hello- I looked down at Jude and he put his hand up to his ear and said "Mmmmhhh?" (hello- with a pacifier in his mouth). Definitely the son of two actors...